About me


My name is Darja and I was born on 1 February 1969 in Schwäbisch Hall and I am the mother of three wonderful sons.

A few years ago, I had the vision of realising a yurt project in Andalusia and construction of the facility began in April 2017. It is a great pleasure for me to be able to contribute my talents and knowledge to this project.

I have many years of experience in the catering industry and have dedicated my kitchen entirely to the flavours of meat-free cooking. I love to use my creativity to conjure up delicious menus and spoil our seminar participants and guests with stylishly decorated tables.

Mit Herzlichkeit und Einfühlungsvermögen bin ich für unsere Gäste da, eine Besonderheit sind meine Entspannungsmassage und Aloefrischblatt-Behandlungen, die tiefe Entspannung bewirken.

I am fascinated by the Andalusian mountains and am happy to share this joy with selected hiking offers.

My zest for life and sense for a lovingly designed ambience make this place a jewel for seminars and holidays of a very special kind.